Stand-up Comedy Professionals Network

A different kind of Comedy Server
(What is Discord?)

Community Events

Live Interviews & Streaming Events

We regularly host successful comedians in our community for members to learn from and fans to engage and enjoy, and are always open to accepting new members who are on board with our community ethos

Community Podcasting & Virtual Open-Mics

Test your comedy chops or connect with other comedians and comedy lovers! Be a part of the audience or ask a question on the Q&A panel in a community that spans the globe!

Joke-Writing Workshops

Use all that spare scrolling time to connect with other comedians online. Get constructive feedback on your material before you bomb!


Stand-Up Comedy Professionals Network

SCPN was formed as a splinter group from the original Standup Comedy Network server run by "Will McFly" after numerous members left the server due to the unprofessional behavior of the server owner and staff. To include: stealing material, harassment, threats, doxxing, gaslighting, and interfering with members employment.SCPN seeks to provide an alternative for professional comedians and fans looking to connect. SCPN is run as a collective to ensure oversight and the ability for members to be treated fairly in a harassment-free and non-discriminatory environment and is run strictly as a non-profit venture to promote and support comedians and comedy.